
Getting you back on


When You're Ready - Fly Local, Fly ABR


We have all spent months dreaming about being on vacation again. With vaccines rolling out and things beginning to open up again, it's time to start thinking about getting one on the books!

Wherever you want to spend your next vacation, start it at Aberdeen Regional Airport on one of our daily Delta flights, operated by SkyWest. With just one flight you can connect to Delta's extensive worldwide network to hundreds of destinations.

When you fly ABR, you save on drive time, meals on the trip, and expensive parking at those other airports. Aberdeen offers free parking, very short TSA wait times, and you're only minutes from home. Fly Aberdeen to Minneapolis−Saint Paul and get connected with the world.

You Deserve a Vacation!

Discover the True Value of Flying ABR

Free Parking

ABR is pleased to offer free short and long-term parking, which is just a short walk from the terminal.

Short Security Lines

No need to wait in long security lines. At ABR, enjoy a fast and safe experience with Aberdeen TSA.


Traveling to a distant city requires extra time spent in the car. Skip the drive and discover the ease of flying out of Aberdeen.

Fly Local, Fly ABR

Taking Precautions to Keep You Safe


During these uncertain times, we understand your concerns. ABR remains committed to our community and is looking out for you with enhanced cleaning and safety procedures.

We have added signage throughout the terminal to remind our visitors to social distance and to wear face mask coverings. We have always made cleanliness a priority and have added additional thorough cleanings and are paying more frequent attention to heavy touchpoints.

We encourage all of our passengers to follow CDC travel and prevention guidance regarding COVID-19.

When you're ready to get back on vacation, ABR is here to send you off safely.


Aberdeen Regional Airport

4740 SE Sixth Ave.
Aberdeen, SD 57401

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